Monday, January 19, 2009

Granny Update

Well by the grace of God and with a lot of people praying, my Grandma is back in Hastings going through intense rehab after having triple bypass surgery last tuesday! I talked to her last night for the first time in a week. Keep in mind that I usually talk to her at LEAST once a day. So needless to say, it was great to have conversation with her last night. She amazes my by her selflessness. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was reading her new Bible that a friend got her and she was thinking about her family. Not once did I hear her complain about any pain she was having or how she wished this did not happen to her. She is always thinking of everyone else! I wish I could be more like her! I smiled when she said that after she is stronger she wants to come and visit us! To be able to look forward to continued life with Granny makes me so happy. Thank you all for you prayers and for your support! God is truly the ultimate healer!

1 comment:

Angela O said...

I'm so glad she's doing well! What a strong woman!