Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In the Mood!

I came across this picture of Kaitlyn and Kysen on his first Christmas and it brought my mind back to the true meaning of the season....the birth of a child. Well it is officially one week before Christmas Eve and for some reason I am in the same place that I always am....behind on my Christmas shopping! I thought I had it all done, but I always think of those last minute things I need to buy for teachers or babysitting kids, or neighbors, etc.....why do I procrastinate so much. My mind seems to start spinning circles when I think about all the things that I need to get done in a weeks time. So instead of ponder over the craziness, I put one foot forward and begin to tackle the many tasks. I made 5 dozen cut out cookies yesterday, gathered some last minute gifts I needed to wrap, and even attempted to make a nice dinner last night....just ask my husband how that turned out. After choking down the meal, I really needed to go to the store to find Kysen a shirt to wear for Christmas, get a few more presents, and grocery shop...BUT instead my husband said, "Aimee you get Kaitlyn's reading done for the evening while I put away the dinner mess, and then we will go look at lights around town!" That was just the thing I needed to do to prepare myself for the next week ahead....a time to relax, listen to Christmas music on the radio, and look at all the beautiful lights around town! It worked...I am ready to finish everything and in fact I am going to finish it today! However, I will keep the true meaning of Christmas at the top of this long list!

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